Thursday, September 14, 2006

Some Class Time

I just finished listening to Profa. Dra. Lívia de Oliveira give a lecture entitled “OS ESTUDOS DE PERCEPÇÃO DO MEIO AMBIENTE NO BRASIL E A GEOGRAFIA HUMANISTA” (Studies of perception of the environment in Brazil and Humanistic Geography). The topic seemed interesting an when I saw that Profesora Oliveira was a sweet grandmotherly type woman (she actually looked a lot like my grandmother) I thought I’d be in for an interesting lecture. Well as it turns out the subject matter was completely over my head. You’d think that my Portuguese would be good enough by now to sit through this sort of lecture, but alas its not. Though I will have to say the acoustics were pretty bad in the room and she did speak softly so that everyone in the room had to crane their necks to hear the words she spoke. When the time came to ask questions I was stretching my brain to remember parts of here lecture that I could ask for further clarification but I couldn’t think of anything intelligible to say so I remained silent. Maybe some day I’ll figure out what she was talking about. Profesora Oliveira is one of the pioneers in the studies of geography in Brazil in addition to being prolific in her publications, though again, they are all in Portuguese...guess I need to do some more studying.

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