Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sunday Stroll

Here are some pics of my random walking tour of the city. Sundays most everything is closed so it’s kind of eerie to see empty streets and very few cars on the road. I wasn’t sure where everyone went on Sundays but it seems like many folks head for the many open-air markets that abound in this city. The markets are know as “ferias” and are packed with people walking up and down eating good food and shopping for everything from handicrafts to antiques, and jewelry.
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Besides the ferias I stumbled on (3 within an hour of walking) I stumbled on a cultural center that was rife with environmentally sustainable features. Everything from a green roof, multiple recycling cans, plenty of natural lighting and many more features. I’ve learned that cultural centers like this one abound in this city and offer free cultural events including movies, live music and art exhibitions. Various industry associations generally fund these cultural centers. I’m hoping to take advantage of these free cultural events since everything else in this town seems to be bleeding my pocket book.
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But one of the coolest sights on this day is that some roads are closed to automobiles so the pedestrians take over walking their dogs or riding their bikes. I could just imagine shutting down Wilshire Blvd for the day…ah.

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Anonymous said...

Wow! I love the idea of a sustainable cultural experience, and the prison to park is an amazing example of neighborhood serving redevelopment!

lovely adventures

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.